Are all lost and found items of my neighbourhood on France Objets Trouvés?
Due to the number of France Objets Trouvés, we cannot confirm that all local lost and found items are featured on France Objets Trouvés. However, France Objets Trouvés proves to be the easiest way to reunite with your lost item found by an individual.
Why do I get more than one results after publishing my listing?
It is possible that various serach results are displayed after publishing your listing. This is because more than one item might match your search after item type, date, localisation and caracteristics are analised by our algorithm. France Objets Trouvés fully depends on what the Users actually inputed: When there is a doubt, we provide you with various results so that you can search manually.
There are no results displayed after pubIishing my listing, what should I do?
If there are no results for your listing, you have two options. (1) You can come back onto your listing on a regular basis and click on "Search from this listing" at the bottom left hand corner of your listing. (2) If a corresponding listing is created after you have published your listing, this user will review the search results in which your listing is displayed. We will contact you in case of a successfull match.
What is the link "Search form this listing" made for?
At any time, you can come back onto your listing in order to perform a manual search for results. However this is not compulsory since, if a corresponding listing is created after you have published your listing, this user will review the search results in which your listing is displayed. We will contact you in case of a successfull match.
What is the link "More results (extended area, extended dates)" at the bottom of the search results, made for?
It is possible that the item you are looking for has been moved, or that the dates are different form what you thought. It is also possible that an Owner thought the item had been lost in a specific place but it was actually found elsewhere. "More results" allowes you to extend the search criterias.